Wellness Education Session – Blackwood

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‘Gut Health & Ageing’

Dr Mounkley MBBS FRACP is a gastroenterologist, treating and managing conditions which affect the gut, liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, and pancreas for 30 years.

He treats disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the liver in his private practice and at the South Australian Liver Transplant Unit at Flinders Medical Centre.

Darren will tell you about some of the hottest topics in Gastroenterology this year.  Come and hear Dr Mounkley share his wealth of knowledge and skill in caring for the Gastrointestinal System as you age.

Held at the Blackwood Uniting Church (near the Blackwood roundabout) at 5pm for 5:30pm start.
Bookings are essential by contacting local Waite MP (Catherine Hutchesson) office in Young Street or phoning 8278 5844, or email: waite@parliament.sa.gov.au

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